Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another week of "WHEW"

So I really did have good intentions this week of blogging about three different subjects, but I have learned a valuable lesson about my schedule:

- If my calendar looks empty, I will have a somewhat busy week. - 

- If my calendar looks full, I'll barely keep be able to keep up. -

I think this is my new reality with three kids in the house. I always have visions of summer being laid back and relaxing. What was I thinking?!

Well, right now, probably the biggest time attacker is our upcoming move. That's right. Did you know we are moving again? When we returned from Hungary last Fall, we stayed with my folks until we had a better idea of where we would locate. Then we moved in January to a temporary living situation in a furnished home (huge blessing, I might add). Now we are preparing for a move to Greenwood, Indiana. We are all looking forward to this move because it will mean our own space, our own things...and MOST important to a mom with three kids - a fenced in yard!

Long story, but the moving date has shifted several times and now looks as though we will be making the big push in the next week or so. I am ready, but it means so much more work to be done. But, as they say, "Ready or not, here we come!"

Getting the house ready to move into

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mom on a Mission

This summer I have a mission. I'm on a mission to get to know my son better and to become better educated on how we can meet his needs.

Last Fall, when we first heard the words "sensory processing disorder" we were in a different place. We were actually feeling very relieved to finally know what we were dealing with. As Grant started at a developmental preschool, we saw almost immediate improvements in his speech and we were encouraged. But as the end of the school year approached, I began to realize the whole summer was ahead of us with no therapy, no respite (for Grant or for momma), and no idea how to help him with his daily challenges. That was not acceptable in my mind so I began my mission.

After phone calls to our insurance company and phone calls to the pediatrician and phone calls to therapy facilities, I was able to iron out a game plan. Grant was evaluated the week school let out...again...with a speech, occupational and physical therapist. It shouldn't surprise me, and yet it does, every time he is evaluated I learn something new (not always pleasant) about his disorder or his disability. It is satisfying and scary at the same time. The more I know, the better equipped I am. But the more I know, the less denial I can live in about what our life - Grant's life - may hold for us. It is an emotional roller-coaster some days.

All that to say, some things I've learned the last three weeks:

1. Insurance is important and a blessing, but it only helps to ease the financial burden of a medical disability.

2. Grant has unique sensory challenges, which are hard for all of us, BUT his disabilities are relatively minor compared to some children with SPD. For that, I am grateful.

3. There isn't any therapy or program that will "fix" Grant. Instead we are learning how to help him improve his quality of life. We, as his parents, are his greatest asset and support system.

4. Therapy is fun for a kid. It's hard work, but Grant loves it so much. He doesn't want to leave when it's over and is excited when he gets to go back.

5. Nothing breaks a parents heart more than seeing their child struggle. I have to see it everyday. I'm still learning how to deal with that reality. Some days I deal with it better than others.

6. Grant brings our family SO MUCH JOY! The challenges allow us to better appreciate those moments that are filled with pure love.

7. You give a mom a mission for her kids...and she will do WHATEVER it takes to make it successful. One way Grant works to strengthen his hands is by digging beads out of stiff therapeutic putty. This momma didn't just buy beads. This momma found super cool animal shaped ones! Cause that's what we do for our kids :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

3 Months Going on 20

Children grow up WAY too fast. That's my opinion anyway. I have proof. Noémi is on the move...this is a short video of what she's been working on this week. Really, child? I think she would be chasing her brothers by now if she could just figure out how to get off the floor!

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Sigh of Relief...or is that a sigh of exhaustion?!

Whew and sigh. That's how I end most days around here. Relieved we survived another one and exhausted at the thought of going through it all again tomorrow :) Tonight is definitely one of those nights. We had a wonderful opportunity through my mom's employer to take the boys to a children's theater production. Now... let me just say.... these types of activities - normal family outings - cause me a LOT of anxiety. Why? Because with a kiddo like little G, you never, never know what you're going to get. It could be a great experience...or it could be the worst experience of your life. Sensory issues are always at the forefront of our mind in a new environment with uncontrollable/unpredictable sounds, lights, and crowds. He could love it or he could have a complete meltdown. Right now, as we maneuver this disorder, it's a toss of the dice. Now I'm sure when he gets older and communicates with us more clearly, it will be a less frightening experience for all of us!

Well, thankfully tonight he LOVED it. He sat still the entire musical and seemed to really enjoy himself....too much apparently....because when the show ended, he didn't want it to stop. "More show! More show!" he pleaded when the lights came back up. An hour of enjoyment can quickly fade when the distraction is no longer there. So the trip back home was not his (or our) best moments of the day. He was tired... so was Carter and I.  Some times it is hard to not let the difficult moments out-shadow the enjoyable ones. When Grant gets tired, he is even harder to understand, help or reason with. We ended the night with words of encouragement that tomorrow morning when he wakes up he will get to go to "beach" (speech). He's really glad about that - and so am I.

The boys waiting for the show to begin

Why in the World?

Why, oh why, would I be so crazy as to start another blog?! If you know us, you know we have a crazy busy life. I'm sure any mom of three (or ANY mom for that matter) can relate to that whirlwind feeling that life brings. To say I have a lot on my plate is an understatement. But that is exactly why I am starting this blog. My life is full and full of joy! I don't want to forget one single moment of the good or the bad. Blogging, for me, brings perspective. reflection. reminders. I want to be able to look back at this crazy busy life and say "I remember when" even if I've only had a few hours of sleep, a few moments alone, or a few too many cups of coffee! So join me for the ride. I hope you experience a few laughs, a few tears, or just a few moments in our shoes.