Monday, June 18, 2012

Why in the World?

Why, oh why, would I be so crazy as to start another blog?! If you know us, you know we have a crazy busy life. I'm sure any mom of three (or ANY mom for that matter) can relate to that whirlwind feeling that life brings. To say I have a lot on my plate is an understatement. But that is exactly why I am starting this blog. My life is full and full of joy! I don't want to forget one single moment of the good or the bad. Blogging, for me, brings perspective. reflection. reminders. I want to be able to look back at this crazy busy life and say "I remember when" even if I've only had a few hours of sleep, a few moments alone, or a few too many cups of coffee! So join me for the ride. I hope you experience a few laughs, a few tears, or just a few moments in our shoes.

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